SkiErg 2 Handle Cord Extensions
For use with the SkiErg 2 (the black SkiErg manufactured from August 2014 to present), the SkiErg Handle Cord Extensions lengthen the handle cord to enable use of the SkiErg 2 from a seated position. Installation is easy and the extensions add approximately 32 inches to each handle cord. The extensions feature a convenient connection link, so grips can be quickly changed to allow for use in the standing position. The kit includes grips that can be used when standing. Sold as an accessory item. Compatible with the SkiErg 2 only. To purchase, call +86 4009008831.
SkiErg 1 Handle Cord Extensions
For use with the SkiErg 1, the SkiErg Handle Cord Extensions extends the handles to enable use of the SkiErg 1 from a seated position. The extensions install quickly and can be removed easily to accommodate a variety of users. Installed extensions add approximately 28 inches to each handle cord. Sold as an accessory item. Compatible with the SkiErg 1 only. To purchase, call +86 4009008831.
Wide Floor Stand
To better accommodate wheelchair users or anyone wanting a bit more space, our wide floor stand provides 8 additional inches (20 cm) of width compared to our standard floor stand. Learn more