动态室内划船器 | Concept2


购买 动态室内划船器
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2 年有限保修

我们的室内划船器享受2年和5年有限保修。 更多信息 ›

The Dynamic is a great tool to feel how a boat moves. It doesn’t have the draw you get from the chain on the standard model and therefore you ‘have to’ create a momentum and flow to your stroke similar to that of rowing a single. There is a small amount of elasticity in the machine but you have to keep your hands moving etc like you do when you row on the water. You also have to have a ‘hang’ to be able to drive your legs and have a natural body open through the stroke.

Eric MurrayNew Zealand

动态室内划船器能最大程度模拟水上划行,旨在满足划艇选手的特定训练需求。与D型和E型室内划船器不同,动态室内划船器的脚蹬可以自由移动,减少了每次划桨时的身体移动。 动态室内划船器是一台优秀的体育运动专用训练与指导器材,其对专注力和身体控制的要求接近于真实划艇。使用 Dynamic Link(动态连接 组件可轻松连接两台或两台以上动态室内划船器,从而进行团队训练。


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